Friday, October 24, 2014

Blog Entry #6: Rewrap

Hi and welcome back!

This week was a toughie, i didn't think there would be anytime to even begin this blog entry to be honest, but there was and here i am. 

This week is a re-wrap of the cell phone/technology module. Although i did enjoy myself talking about the love of my life (My cellphone) she's gonna have to be out of the spotlight for a while because after spending almost a month talking about a piece of technology it's really tiring having this type this with said piece of technology. Also it's ironic since i'm typing this with the exact same thing i spent a month talking about. Maybe  I have an addiction. This could be like an episode of 
True Life: I'm addicted to my phone.

After this week i'm taking a break. not from my phone, lord no i'm too emotionally attached. I'm taking a break from life, and responsibilities. (Not really, my mom would kill me first chance she can get) I'm not even taking a break, like i said this is a re-wrap. So let's wrap up this week. Cell phones are great. If you don't think so, then you can read my essay if you need some convincing. i'm not putting it up on here though, there's too many people that can plagiarize it.
Aside from all the nonsense, cellphones are great they have evolved since first being released in 1943
and since then they have taken over society. Not necessarily for the bad, but the good too. Like i said, if you want to read my essay, shoot me an email!

Hopefully our next module is even more fun and then i can talk to you all about it on here, until then have a great day/night.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Blog Entry #5: Wall-E

We'll begin with this scene. As represented by the Pixar movie Wall-E, this futuristic version of what look to be Facetime, is rather quite scary. As you see the technology in this movie is depicted as bad, in fact because these amazing hovering chairs, which is another form of technology, the human race has seem to become obese. With the little to none exercise that the people get, they seem to have gotten heavier. In fact when to guy on the right was telling Wall-E to get him another Buy-N-Large drink, he fell over and out of his chair, this caused him to become like a cockroach and struggle to fight his way back to his stomach; that was until Wall-E gave him a push, literally. (shown on bottom)

Another thing that we see depicted in this movie, is not being aware of our surroundings. In the movie it was the scene where Wall-E was hastily trying to find Eve. When he found her he came across a human, a woman named Mary. Mary was "factiming" her friend and Wall-e trying to get her attention accidently disconnected Mary from the screen, which by her facial expression seemed to be her first time ever realizing where she had been, the surprised look shows as if she had just realized where she's been.

Technology in the movie shows it as if it takes away from face-to-face human interaction, but most importantly it takes away from your surroundings, Mary had no idea where she was until Wall-E came and destroyed her little TV screen. This movie gave a good depiction of it.

The final analysis that i came up with this movie was a different kind of technology, and although we all wish it was real, sadly it's dealy for us. That's right i'm talking about the food. Wall-E shows us a different way to get our "hearty" meals. A self-automated company named Buy-N_Large (BNL) really speaks for itself. The human species eats as many times as they want in this movie, so that means the food must always be available, so you tell me, do you really think these people get up to go get food? The answer is no they do not. The BNL company have specialized cups, such as these

these cups are the ultimate hungry persons dream. When the people get hungry, they push little button either on their hover chair or on their screen, they select the food they want and presto! their food comes in a disgustingly convenient liquid where they slurp 'till they're hungry again.

The movie gave me a confused reaction, the reason being is that humans are actually becoming so lazy, they might actually invent this weird space blimp and live out their lives on hover chair.

For example, every time i go to wal-mart, i ALWAYS see the electric scooters being used, but not by the elderly or disabled. These Chairs are being used by people, fat people i should say, those that are morbidly obese. Even though i can clearly see them walking after check-out. 

So yes, i do happen to agree that the technology shown in this movie captures technology and human behavior in real life.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Blog Entry #4: A Positive Life

      Well we know for a fact that cellphones are not the cause of car crashes. Idiot people that decide to text while driving, instead of pulling over for a quick minute to reply, but if there's no way to pull over, then just wait. That message will still be there in 10 minutes. I'm tired of hearing stories like this and hearing people bash, claiming it's was the phone's fault. The phone cannot talk, let's get that out of the way, it doesn't control you, so no one forced you to touch the phone. The only reason you decided to touch it was because you thought you'd be quick to type back whatever and get back onto focusing on the road without trouble, but you didn't you crashed and now the world hates cellphones because you almost died.

     Although the statement above sounded pretty gruesome, i wanted to make it capture your attention, i wanted to share with you why we, the people find so many negatives about a piece of technology, why can't we ever find some good thing this piece of technology has done for us?

There are many reason to why a cellphone can be a great thing. When you have a cellphone you have a peace of mind, say you're driving down the road, it's late and dark, the only thing you picture is laying down into your nice soft bed,but something has triggered in your brain, you sense there's danger happening to one of your kids, you quickly pull over, and dial your son, when he answers, you ask if he's ok, he replies back that he's fine, just watching tv at home. With a great sigh, you exhale.

another reason is you get a stress free feeling, you're packing up getting ready for your big trip with your friends, they're in the way when you realize you completely forgot you were responsible for finding the quickest route to your destination. as your friends pull up into your driveway, you put your thing in the trunk and you say "I have Google maps ready to take us!"

Three may be many reasons to hate a cellphone, but there's also many reason to be thankful to have such a great piece of technology!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Blog Entry #3: Cellphone Drama

If you click the link, it will open a new tab in which a video, describing life nowadays as humans beings, and how we are being corrupted everyday by something so addictive, that we keep it in our pockets.

Cellphones are changing the way people interact and how we share experiences.
During the video, there's a special scene in which there's two point of views, one being the woman is texting as she is walking, when a man approaches her to ask for directions, she says " I don't know" and the man walks away, while she continues texting.

 The second viewpoint is the same man and woman, she's texting only this time, when asked for directions, she says " That's on the way where i'm going" so she shows him directions, and it's that same moment that they fell in love, the scene goes on to share how they live their lives after, they dated, got married, and had children.

After the video, i started thinking,  I'm always on the phone either, texting or just checking my social apps, what if the love of my life walked right past me because I was too busy liking a status or picture.

Cell phones and social media are taking the fun out of everyday things, such as having fun spending time with some friends, that's been replaced with Group Chatting, or Facetime.

What if one day something were to happen, such as a zombie apocalypse? What if one day there's no more electricity and phones are no longer able to charge. What would we do?

I believe that if such catastrophe were to happen today, this generation would most likely lose it, we would also be the first to die because we never spend much time going outdoors, we don't have any clue what's out there. I'm certain that as a Generation the only reason we would even think of leaving the house is to go to a party or see a movie, but even after all that, what do we do? We go back to our phones.

Phones are great, don't get me wrong, but sometimes i feel like there's an empty part of me that only spending time with friends/family can fill and sadly, that's been replaced with my cellphone.

So if you were to ask me, "Marco, do you think phones are changing the way we do things nowadays?" i would reply with a simple "Yes, and it's truly disturbing"