Sunday, October 5, 2014

Blog Entry #3: Cellphone Drama

If you click the link, it will open a new tab in which a video, describing life nowadays as humans beings, and how we are being corrupted everyday by something so addictive, that we keep it in our pockets.

Cellphones are changing the way people interact and how we share experiences.
During the video, there's a special scene in which there's two point of views, one being the woman is texting as she is walking, when a man approaches her to ask for directions, she says " I don't know" and the man walks away, while she continues texting.

 The second viewpoint is the same man and woman, she's texting only this time, when asked for directions, she says " That's on the way where i'm going" so she shows him directions, and it's that same moment that they fell in love, the scene goes on to share how they live their lives after, they dated, got married, and had children.

After the video, i started thinking,  I'm always on the phone either, texting or just checking my social apps, what if the love of my life walked right past me because I was too busy liking a status or picture.

Cell phones and social media are taking the fun out of everyday things, such as having fun spending time with some friends, that's been replaced with Group Chatting, or Facetime.

What if one day something were to happen, such as a zombie apocalypse? What if one day there's no more electricity and phones are no longer able to charge. What would we do?

I believe that if such catastrophe were to happen today, this generation would most likely lose it, we would also be the first to die because we never spend much time going outdoors, we don't have any clue what's out there. I'm certain that as a Generation the only reason we would even think of leaving the house is to go to a party or see a movie, but even after all that, what do we do? We go back to our phones.

Phones are great, don't get me wrong, but sometimes i feel like there's an empty part of me that only spending time with friends/family can fill and sadly, that's been replaced with my cellphone.

So if you were to ask me, "Marco, do you think phones are changing the way we do things nowadays?" i would reply with a simple "Yes, and it's truly disturbing"


  1. Great blog! You're right on with the message behind the video. Obsession has gotten a little out of hand these days with these new phones. There's nothing we can really do about this issue since these phones are extremely convenient to use. These phones are basically pocket computers, where you can literally access all sorts of information at anytime. You're right about what would happen if we were to go through some sort of catastrophe, people wouldn't know what to do! Yes, phones are changing the way we do things, this will only continue and will never end unless something external were to happen.
